Monday, April 5, 2010

A day in the life of teenage hobo.

Here I am, sitting waiting for the train to come. I had been walking for the last three days, only moving to try and shoot a rabbit that ran by. I had just learned how to shoot my rifle, but I have only wasted my bullets trying to shot the rabbits. I cant shot well enough with a broken arm. I now wish that I had not jumped off my last train. I had to though, I told my self. If I had stayed on that train I would have lost my money, all 5 dollars. That man was desperate, he needed money. That was why he attacked my best friend, Charlie, and me. He came at me with a knife in his hand. He went for my throat, but my Charlie tackled him. He got back up, but I saw Charlie lying on the floor, holding his stomach. Blood coming through his hands. The man was charging at me again, I saw the door of the train car, I ran for it. When I got to the door the man was right behind. I saw the ladder going up to the top of the train, I never thought that he would follow me up there. I threw my stuff up there and climbed up. I sat up there, just waiting. I then saw him climbing up. I decided that i had no other choice. I hurlled my stuff of the top of the train and then jumped. I hit the ground hard, hearing a crack in my right arm. I did not hear the man jump off after me, some good luck. I looked back at the train as it drove away, not know what will happen to Charlie, or any one else who was on that train. I looked down at my arm, there was no blood, but I felt pain through my whole arm. I knew it was broken. I sat up and looked around for my stuff. I saw them sitting about 200 yards form me. I stood up and walked to my stuff, picked it up, and started walking. I need to find a new train. I wont be able to live long out here with out any food or company.

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