Friday, April 23, 2010

Comparing the Recession to the Great Depression

Part I

At the worst part of the Great Depression the unemployment was much worse then the Recession has gotten. It had gotten up to 24.9% and at the worst part of the Recession it was only at 9.8%. Though the unemployment was much worse during the great Depression, the Recession has hard worse points then the depression. In 1929, at the beginning of the depression, it was only at 3.3%. And at the beginning of the Recession, in 1998, the unemployment was at 4.5%. The Great Depression did have its unemployment rise much faster then the Recession has. In only one year the unemployment in the Great Depression rose from 15.9% to 23.6%. While in the recession it has went up from 5.8% to 9.8%, only 4% rise compared to the 7.7%.
Part II

The government helped in the Great depression and is helping right now in the Recession. In the Great Depression the Agricultural Adjustment Act, this tried to make the stimulate farming. This had the government pay farms to produce less food. They also had the Works Progress Administration, which created millions of low level jobs for men. In the Recession they have had some programs also, like the Cash for Clunkers, this was made to help the auto industry, when someone came in to buy a new car they could trade in there old one for a 4,500$ towards a new car. There was also the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, this gave rebates to low and middle income tax payers.

Part III
The people in the Great Depression acted a lot alike the people do today in the Recession, on October 29,1929 people flooded the streets on Black Tuesday and on September 15, 2008 a crowd of people stood outside of Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. the day after if filled for type 11 bankruptcy. During the Great Depression there wood food lines were people would stand for hours trying to get food, and now people stand in unemployment lines trying to get jobs. People were getting jobs in the Depression as construction workers because of stimulus projects, same as today.
Part IV
Though there are many similarities between the Depression and the Recession, I don't think that the two compare together, the Depression was much worse then the Recession. The unemployment rate was much higher and people in America were much more affected. There were similar though in the way that the government handled the the problem, and people reacted the same way. This is how I think that the Depression and the Recession were similar and much different at the same time.

Prejudice Discrimination and the Okies

2- There is still prejudice in the world today, like the gays and straights. This is observed in every state in the US that is fighting over to allow it or not. People think that the gays is not the way god made us. But others think that it is a right of choice. The people involved in this fight are mostly just the gays and the very christian people who think this is wrong.

1- The Okies were discriminated against because of many different causes, such as the Okies coming in to take the jobs and take food from the people that already lived there. When the Okies came in they needed to have a place to eat and live, and there were no places because of all the people moving to California. They had the Okies sleep under bridges and in shanty towns. They were not allowed to sit in the front of class rooms.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A day in the life of teenage hobo.

Here I am, sitting waiting for the train to come. I had been walking for the last three days, only moving to try and shoot a rabbit that ran by. I had just learned how to shoot my rifle, but I have only wasted my bullets trying to shot the rabbits. I cant shot well enough with a broken arm. I now wish that I had not jumped off my last train. I had to though, I told my self. If I had stayed on that train I would have lost my money, all 5 dollars. That man was desperate, he needed money. That was why he attacked my best friend, Charlie, and me. He came at me with a knife in his hand. He went for my throat, but my Charlie tackled him. He got back up, but I saw Charlie lying on the floor, holding his stomach. Blood coming through his hands. The man was charging at me again, I saw the door of the train car, I ran for it. When I got to the door the man was right behind. I saw the ladder going up to the top of the train, I never thought that he would follow me up there. I threw my stuff up there and climbed up. I sat up there, just waiting. I then saw him climbing up. I decided that i had no other choice. I hurlled my stuff of the top of the train and then jumped. I hit the ground hard, hearing a crack in my right arm. I did not hear the man jump off after me, some good luck. I looked back at the train as it drove away, not know what will happen to Charlie, or any one else who was on that train. I looked down at my arm, there was no blood, but I felt pain through my whole arm. I knew it was broken. I sat up and looked around for my stuff. I saw them sitting about 200 yards form me. I stood up and walked to my stuff, picked it up, and started walking. I need to find a new train. I wont be able to live long out here with out any food or company.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Image of the great Depression

I was walking down the street when I saw this man just sitting there. I asked him if he had any place to go, he said he had lost his job int he bad market, and in turn his house. He was 37 years old. He used to work as a banker. I happened to have my camera with me, I asked if I could take his picture. I told him I would give him some food and a safe place to sleep, and he agreed. I snapped this picture and took him to my house.

My Intro

Here I am coming to the end of my last year at Lincoln. Looking forward to going to Poudre. My time this year was okay. Hat a lot of fun, got to play all the sports I wanted to play(hopeing I also make the golf team). The teachers were good this year. Ummmmm ya, okay year.